- Tank : Panzerbefehslwagen 35(t)
Panzerbefehslwagen 35(t)standing near the roadside. Some other vehicles, troops and a (horse)carriage to the right can be seen. Seen to the german cross type and surroundings this would not be Poland; most likely Russia.
This panzer was equipped with extra radio’s and the ‘rahmen’ antennae can be clearly seen on top of the rear side engine compartment. 20 Panzer 35(t)’s were converted into these command vehicles. All Panzer 35(t)’s were incorporated into the Wehrmacht after annexation of Czechoslovakia. 52 were transferred to the new (pro-German) Slovakian state (which fought alongside the German army in the South of the Russian campaign). The others were transferred into the 11th Panzer Regiment for the Poland campaign.
After they were transferred to the 6th Panzer Division – the only division with this tank type – and fought in the battle of France; in which they participated in the advance through the Ardennes.
After France the 6th Panzer Division participated in operation Barbarossa, the invasion of Russia, and fought on the Northern section advancing to Leningrad. On 30 November 1941 all Panzer 35(t)’s were finally lost.
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