Buckeburg - 17.06.2023 Tag des Bundeswehr
For this ‘Day of the Armed Forces’ the helicopter training centre of Buckeburg opened its doors. Besides the training helicopters and facilities ground equipment and many other training branches were also exhibited.
The so called Internationaler Hubschrauber Ausbildungs Zentrum (IHAZ – international helicopter training centre) operates EC135’s, Bel 206’s and NH90TTH’s. This is also the unit to which RNLAF pilot students (which are going to fly AS532 Cougar or NH90) transfer to after completing the 131sq EMVO course at Woensdrecht airbase (NL).
Besides the IHAZ helicopters many ohter German units attended among them CH53G’s and NH90TTH’s – Tigers of the German-French Tiger training unit were also present.
This day itself was extremely difficult to photograph. The runway and air demo’s were performed in the South of the public area, making it mandatory to take photographs into the sun – and this was a very sunny and hot day. All static aircraft and helicopters were between the crowd, many accessible, making it impossible to take snapshots without people in the frame.
Even though photographing circumstances were far from ideal, visiting Buckeburg and a chance to see this many IHAZ and HEER helicopters including the rare Tigers was worth it!

As can be seen above not many foreign helicopters/ aircraft attended - this was a dedicated German event. Among other training facilities is a Lehrwerkstatte for aircraft mechanics; several wfu aircraft were used for this.
The flying demo's were limited; largest demo was an air assault performed by 4 NH90TTH's, 1 CH53 carrying an small airborne Wiesel light tankl and 2 Tigers as CAS. This demo as others were repeated during the day.