Melsbroek 75yrs 15th wing
On a rare occasion the Belgian Air Force 15th wing opened its doors for the public in 2023 to commemorate its 75years anniversary. Being located on the North-Eastern (military) part of Brussels-Zaventem airport the airborne demo's were restricted due to the continuous activity of civilian aircraft.
The military area also has a museum dedicated to the 15th wing and all of iets transport aircraft operated throughout 75 years, together with many memorabilia. This part is separated from the other military area by a busy motorway. The military (Melsbroek) area currently houses all Belgian Air Force A400M's, including the Luxembourg marked CT01, and an A400M simulator. A400M maintenance is also performed on base.
Another Melsbroek located unit is the air branch of the Federale Politie (Federal Police) operating its MD902's and single MD520.

All of the 15th wing A400M's were present at this day. Some were flying and performing demo's while others were located in the maintenance hangar and static. The Luxembourg registered CT01, with Luxembourg markings and roundels, was als on the static.
The impressive15th wing maintenance hangar:
Federale Politie MD900's and MD520; one of the flying MD900 performed a demo which included a police dog part of its boarding party
A small number of visitors were presented on the flightlines. Besides Belgian visitors (and based Da7X) a French Embraer121, Dutch A332 and C130H and civilian Dakota and Texan attended. Many aircraft had no fences and were accesible.
A nice aircraft was the former Belgian C130H CH04 painted over in Pakistan AF livery with serial number 4467 which was made ready for delivery to Pakistan. It could only be seen in a hangar (which officially was not part of the open house) behind some tents.
Close ups of the Airbus A330MRTT of the MMU (Multinational MRTT Unit) registered by the RNLAF: