2005 Kleine Brogel exercise COMAO
Once again a very nice COMAO exercise held at Kleine-Brogel (Belgium). Highlight was the tiger c/s Polish Su-22, 4 Romanian MiG-21MF Lancer-C's and a Greek A-7E and TA-7C. Besides Belgian F16's a total of 54 other aircraf attended the exercise which made this sunny day a very bussy flying day!
Besides these highlights the other participants consisted of Swiss FA-18 Hornets, Czech L-159's and a Mi-35 Hind, a large group of French Alpha Jets/ Rafales/ Mirage 2000's/ Mirage F1's/ Embraer 312F's and Super Etendards. The Germans brought 7 Tornado's and a F-4F Phantom. A British Jaguar with Hawks and a Canberra, Danish F16's and a Dutch AS532 Cougar completed the set.
Transports consisted of a Romanian An-26 and Polish C295M. The Belgians themselves attended of course with a very large amount of F16's and they also exercised the annual Brussels flyby with an A310, 3 Alpha Jets, 2 C130H's and 3 ERJ.135/ERJ.145. Other Belgian visitors were CM170R Magisters, an L-21B of the Luchtkadetten and a SF260M, Sea King Mk48, SA318C Alouette II, Alpha Jet and A109HA.