Aircraft Photo Reports

These are my photo reports of the events I attended and during which I made photographs - during many 90's events I did unfortunately not make any photographs. The photographs are indexed by events per year, each will mouse over with type, serial number and unit. For complete serial number show reports I would like to redirect you to which has the most excellent reports and forums (link at the bottom).

I started my first interest at the very early age of 12. After visiting the "75 years KLu" air show at Deelen. Visiting Volkel AB for the very first time made me realize there existed more jet types than just F16's when I witnessed two Canadian CF18's taking off in full afterburner - I was immediately hooked on fuel and afterburners.
Since then I visited many air shows, exercises, rotations and deployments; unfortunately I did not make any photographs of many 90's events I witnessed.
Nevertheless those photographs I managed to produce still give a good impression of this fighter jet abundant 90's era. Forgive the bad quality of some early images; as a child I did not know anything yet about shutter times and apertures! - they will get better throughout the years.
During the 90's and early 00's I used an analogue Canon camera with 400mm lens. From 2006 to 2021 I used a Canon 500D with several lenses up to 300mm. Right now I own a Sony RX10 28-600mm.