14 june 2019 Volkel air show

2019 finally saw a KLu air show again - the last one was in 2016 at Leeuwarden. Due to active foreign operations and budget cut downs the previous years were cancelled.
Therefore this air show was much appreciated by the Dutch (aircraft enthusiasts) society. Greek Phantoms stole the show. An Italian F35 attended as well as two Dutch CONUS based F35's which flew over from the states especially for this show.
The weather was fantastic. The Swedes sent a Viggen and Draken from their historical flight and both aircraft performed flying demo's.

Airshow report Scramble: https://www.scramble.nl/database/show-reports/netherlands/volkel-2019
The Volkel F16's performed their well known Dutch air show low level base attacks coming from all directions.
One of the Dutch F35's flew together in a mass F16 formation and it also flew an Spitfire/ F16/ F35 heritage formation - consisting of all Dutch fighters.