2002 RIAT Fairford air show
RIAT Fairford was, as always, a superb show. Many participants from all over the world attended. New Zealand and Australian aircraft are always special. A real flying Meteor T7 from Martin Baker and a Royal Army Beaver were some special treats. All British types still flew – inclusive Jaguars and Royal Navy Sea Harriers flew their performance. An USAF B2 stealth bomber made a fly past with 4 Lakenheath Eagles. On departure day the B1’s and B52’s were one of the favorites.
Show report Scramble:https://www.scramble.nl/database/show-reports/united-kingdom/fairford-2002

The three Aviano F16C's, flown by the 16th AF commander, 31FW commander and 555FS commander, escorted the Dyes B1B's out.

Some very cool heritage flights were flown. Old jets like the Sabre and T-bird were also attending.