2004 Volkel air show
I was not able to visit the actual Volkel 2004 KLu Open Dag – just attended the aircraft arrival and rehearsal Friday before the actual airshow. This is the reason for the very small number of photographs and all being made of landing/ passing aircraft.

An30 055 16TrAB

F15E 91-0329/LN 48FW/492FS

F15E 97-0221/LN 48FW/492FS sqcom

Fokker60UTA U-01 334sq

JetstreamT3 ZE439/77 Heron flt

Learjet35A T-781 VIP flt

NimrodMR2 XV240 Kinloss wing KC135R 62-3530 72ARS AFRC

PC7 L-02 L-08 L-11 131sq EMVO

SeaHarrierFA2 ZH800/VL-719 899sq

SeaHarrierFA2 ZH809/710 899sq special old c/s

SeaHarrierT8 ZB604722 899sq

SeaHarrierFA2 ZH809/710 899sq special old c/s and SeaHarrierT8 899sq
Show report Scramble: https://www.scramble.nl/database/show-reports/netherlands/volkel-2004