Ancient Fields
Through the centuries old fields were used by farmers to get rid of dirt, many times coming from houses/ local inns which swept their dirt out on the streets. This way many clothing buttons/ buckles and everyday (lost or discarded broken) items found their way on those fields.
Sometimes these fields also were positioned near bussy traffic roads – in many centuries people would travel by foot, some by horses. Other fields were temporarily used by markets, (army and travel) camps or execution sites. On both occasions many items could be lost by different ways on those fields.
Of course, many different items can be found on those fields. I categorized these – select one of the links below to view the most interesting per category:
For determination of the ‘duiten’ coins the very good website can be used:

For determination of all kind of items, also coins, also when just a small part of the specific item was found, I can advise – the forum administrators, their colleagues and forum visitors are always very helpful and for 99% someone recognizes your finding!

And of course, the well known PAN - Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands, the website for all amateur metal detecting enthusiasts used to share and publish their special findings with archaelogists and others! (Dutch counterpart of the British Portable Antiquities project)