Militracks 2024
2024 edition was huge. Among the participants a new restauration project Tiger (not running) attended - which consisted of parts from different Tigers and repro. This year the French Saumur military museum send a running Panzer IV. Different tankhunters attended: 2 different models of StuG's and the Nashorn. The normal Hetzer dit not attend - instead a more exotical Pionier panzer Hetzer with 2cm FlaK was presented. Many other very interesting vehicles participated; among these a Borgward 'Funklenk' demolition panzer.
The days just before this Militracks edition were full of rain which resulted in a very muddy terrain; perfect for some nice Panzer and vehicle driving photographs! Once again the event tickets were sold out; to be honest the public area's were too crowded. The waiting lines for vehicles and tickets were extreme long. All driving vehicles and panzers were packed with 'tourists' with their cellphones etc. It was almost impossible to photograph the panzers and vehicles: these were packed with people and too close to the public area's.
But to see, hear and smell superb German military ww2 hardware, most of them operational, at arm's length - Militracks is always the place to be!