- Photo paper: Agfa_Lupex
- Place: Wunsdorf Zossen (100% identified by buildings).
Extremely rare photograph – as far as I know the only one in existence of the experimental Panzer IV mit Schachtellaufwerk. This photograph is discussed by several people on forums – also on the official axishistory forum. Even in special books covering experimental panzers are only side view drawings of this particular tank.
“Well on page 257 of the original Begleitwagen book we have Hilary Doyle’s drawing, dated 1994, which is of a relatively normal Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.E with four return rollers. But the Wheels are the larger ones in Schachtellaufwerk configuration just as we see in the photo.
In the history among other things it mentions one such vehicle with Chassis Number 81005 was at the Schule Fuer Heeresmotisierung in Wundsdorf in December 1942 being used as a test vehicle. Jarnob’s great photo just proves the work, from primary sources, of these masters of Panzer History.”

Close up of the experimental Panzer IV mit Schachtellaufwerk

A close up and overview of the Wunsdorf/Zossen depot/training area were this photo was taken.
Besides de Panzer IV mit Schachtellaufwerk are several other interesting photographs visible.
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