2000 Kleine Brogel COMAO exercise
This COMbined Air Operations exercise held at Kleine Brogel brought an old epic type: the F14 Tomcat, very much known from the Top Gun movies and for many years the prime US Navy fighter jet. During this day it did not fly - only taxy around. F14B's 161435/ A103 and 162918/ A100 (CAG-bird) attended this day, both of the famous VF-103 'Jolly Rogers' which has a long heritage of historical battles. The 161435 was also adorned with 3 LGB markings and two MiG29 kills.

Practically all other types were also interesting: The Mirage IVP (first and only time I saw it), a full flightline of Italian dual seat Starfighters, French Jaguars, Spanish Mirage F1's, and more. I was astonished about the spectators being able to stand directly to the taxi ways, VERY closely to the aircraft. Common sense was the only thing making sure no one came to close!

Jaguar A's, Mirage IVP and Spanish Mirage F1's - today unfortunately not any more possible to see as active types. This day even brought a RAF Canberra PR9 of 39PRU and 2 A10A's from Spangdahlem performing fly-by's!

Complete list of participants:
F14B 161435 / A103 VF103
F14B 162918 / A100 VF103
Mirage 2000C 54 / 2EA EC1/2
Mirage 2000C 69 / 2EG EC1/2
Mirage IVP 62 / CI ERS1/9
F4F 37+31 JG72
F4F 38+64 JG72
TF104G MM54237 / 4-32 20Gr / 4St
TF104G MM54250 / 4-33 20Gr / 4St
TF104G MM54251 / 4-34 20Gr / 4St
TF104G MM54253 / 4-35 20Gr / 4St
F16A 15110 201Esq
F16A 15113 201Esq
F16A 15103 201Esq
F16A 15111 201Esq
Jaguar A A145 / 7-HG EC1/7
Jaguar A A159 / 7-HL EC1/7
S.Etendard 14 11F
S.Etendard 37 11F
Tornado 44+62 JBG33
Mirage F1CE C14-17 / 14-11 Ala14
Mirage F1CE C14-40 / 14-40 Ala14
Emb121 47 2S
SF260D ST24 5sm
Mystere 20 CM02 21sm
A109HA H35 17BnHATk
C130H CH12 20sm
B707 LX-N20000 NATO
Sentry AEW1 ZH101 8sq
Canberra PR9 ZH134 39PRU
AH64A 85-25482 301sq
A10A 81-0962 / SP 81FW
A10A 81-0988 / SP 81FW