2001 Hopsten operational

Hopsten was a very active German F4F Phantom airbase.  Jagdgeschwader 72 was based here.  During operational hours many visitors would normally attend Hopsten. This day saw a German CL601, CH53G and Tornado, as well as a Belgian Alpha Jet.

The Dutch 313sq was temporarily based with F16A/B’s since Twenthe AB was closed due to runway maintenance.

This specific operational day has some really good weather and, getting enthusiastic about the large number of visitors, I can rememeber parking my car near the fence on the halve of the runway and standing on top of my car roof(!) in order to make some good pics! (Thinking about the dents which would be worth it…). Remark: during this time spotters with folding stairs weren’t that common.

To give an impression of an average operational flying day at Hopsten:

Hopsten Tuesday 27-03-2001

10:00 Near Rheine dir North : 1 x CH53
*5xF16A/1xF16B are visable on ramp at southside of field.
*all F4F use their braking chute during landing; on landing all fly a circuit first
*northside wfu 2xF104: 23+30 + ?
*F4F being towed parallel to rwy 37+37 JG72 old c/s


10:20 F4F take off
10:30 Bo105 crossing to east
10:44 F4F 37+58 JG72 lands
11:00 E3A NAEWF crossing high
11:15 Tornado 44+96 JBG31 overshoot
11:15 F4F 37+52 JG72 take off
11:20 CH53 +09 crossing to east, turns around and
crosses field towest again.

wind changes !!!


11:33 Alpha-Jet E AT12 1w lands
11:53 F4F 3 touch&gos before landing
12:00 Lynx AAC crosses to west
12:02 F4F 37+52 JG72 lands
12:21 F4F touch&go
12:30 F4F 37+35 JG72 6 touch&go's before landing around 12:50
12:50 CH53 crosses to east
13:05 CH53 84+68 lands
13:30 CL601 12+05 FBS lands
13:30 C21 USAFE crosses counter direction
14:00 F16A J620 313sq 
F16A J254 313sq take off
F16A J875 313sq take off
F16A J512 313sq take off
14:16 F16A J362 315sq take off
F16A J514 315sq take off
F16A J058 315sq take off
F16B J369 315sq take off
14:30 CL601 12+05 FBS take off
Tornado high overshoot
14:44 A-Jet E AT12 1w take off
14:48 F16A J136 315sq take off
F16A J145 315sq take off
14:48 CH53 crossing in west parallel towards rwy
Tornado crosses counter direction
15:12 F4F 37+52 JG72 take off
F4F 37+45 JG72 take off
F4F 37+35 JG72 take off
15:21 2 different Tornado's performing overshoots
15:54 F16A J512 313sq landing
15:58 F16B J369 315sq landing
16:00 F16A J620+J254+J875 313sq landing
16:01 3xTornado high overshoot
16:02 F16A J136+J145 315sq landing
16:02 F16A J362+J514+J058 315sq landing